News, Resources & Media

RICS Australia Awards 2024 - erbas

RICS Australia Awards 2024

Kretheka Natarajan Rajeswari and Aditi Abnave are both finalists in the Emerging Achiever of the Year category.
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Biogenic carbon - erbas

Biogenic carbon

Incorporating biogenic carbon into building materials can reduce a building's overall carbon footprint.
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Methodology for decarbonisation - erbas

Methodology for decarbonisation

Our comprehensive methodology for decarbonisation in design and construction projects.
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Caulfield Grammar School - erbas

Caulfield Grammar School

Our team who delivered this Australian first building gathered at the site.
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Reducing upfront carbon emissions - erbas

Reducing upfront carbon emissions

The choice of materials for internal plasterboard walls can significantly impact upfront carbon emissions.
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Green Star-Certified projects for SINSW - erbas

Green Star-Certified projects for SINSW

erbas™ SUSTAIN delivered three Green Star-certified projects for School Infrastructure NSW.
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University of Melbourne guest lecturers - erbas

University of Melbourne guest lecturers

Lincoln Merlo and Dr Jane Lai presented to undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students.
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Meet our new team member - erbas

Meet our new team member

Ryan Nugent has joined the team as Associate Director - Electrical Engineer
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NCC 2022 for Victoria - erbas

NCC 2022 for Victoria

From 1 May 2024, the energy efficiency requirements from NCC 2022 are coming into effect for Victoria.
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Embodied emission reporting - erbas

Embodied emission reporting

We are supporting NSW clients to satisfy the sustainable buildings requirements.
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Guest Lecture at RMIT - erbas

Guest Lecture at RMIT

Our SUSTAIN team were invited to deliver a guest lecture on sustainability in the lifecycle of building projects.
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GBCA TRANSFORM 2024 Conference - erbas

GBCA TRANSFORM 2024 Conference

Shreya Abhang and Suyash Parikh from our SUSTAIN team share their insightful takeaways.
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